14 May 2012


Oh dear, it's May already. How I've neglected this blog. Yet a beautiful spring Mother's Day is the perfect opportunity to breathe some new life into these virtual pages and show off the newest incarnation of VP. She is growing quickly, constantly testing her physical endurance by running, climbing, and dancing new jigs. Every new day brings novel words and even newer sentences, many of which Veda is working hard to construct. She has the possessive bug, pointing out which things belong to whom, "Mama's bag. Dada's shoes." Veda's fill-in-the-blank, because let's get this straight, everything is hers. (sigh) Our smallest of actions are up for narration by a little voice, "Mama, you sleeping?", "Veda eating dinner too". Many things are "too" right now - even when they aren't. Like, drinking beer for instance.

For mother's day, we stocked up on favorite picnic items (sliced sausage, gouda, curry chicken salad, berries, and beignets... heck yeah) and headed to Pheasant Branch Conservancy for a picnic turn hike with a playground break in the middle with picture perfect weather. 


Brainhugger said...

Ahhhh. That looks lovely! and so does she!

josh and lesley peck said...

aawww! thanks for the update. what a lovely place to spend the day.

Josie said...

Yeah, updates! We would love to join you and your gorgeous little girl for a PBC hike some day- we love it there, too! Although, I have to admit, my ideal picnic would lean more toward fresh coffee, raspberries, and scones...to each their own, right? :) Give us a call sometime for a play date- 608-772-2142.