23 November 2011

November News

This fall is just whipping by unbelievably quick. From sun up to sun down (well, if you consider 7:30am sun up, which we do), it is move move move. Get dressed, pack up, get out of the house, WORK, get back in the house, get undressed, and sleep sleep sleep. Repeat said pattern until it's time to collapse on Friday night in exhausted little heaps while you watch the mess of the house cave in around you. Okay so maybe that's a touch dramatic, but no lie, this place is a mess and we are t.i.r.e.d. All this to say, we have some catching up to do.

Veda continues to grow and learn and smile her way through life. Toddlerhood is in full swing, which brings advancing communication, running at full speed, and and the lovely world of rapidly shifting moods and dreadfully impressive tantrums. She is quick to tell you what she wants and when she wants it (now), however at least these days this is accompanied by words and useful sign language. She currently enjoys pointing out cars, meowing at pictures of cats, and singing "La Bamba". She even has a little boyfriend at daycare who jumps up and down upon her arrival yelling, "bay-duh! bay-duh!" before they embrace in a morning hug. Um, ridiculously cute?  Yes.

Going outside is always fun, and this afternooon of raking is no exception.

Ending the afternoon with a little light reading. 

1 comment:

Josie said...

I'm so glad you updated again! Veda is adorable..I love the story about her boyfriend :) Can't believe how long it's been since we've seen you!
Love, Josie